Life Beyond The Numbers
Are you curious about having a more fulfilling work-life? Do you believe in putting people first and in purpose; not profit at any cost? If so, this podcast is for you. We place a lens on the human side of work-life.

Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
#8 Mentorship - Andrew Codd
Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
“We put a lot of pressure ourselves to always be right and feel like we need to know the answer. And actually sometimes it's okay not to know the answer. And I think that's a sign of strength as well as to put your hand up say “I don't know” but I I'll go find out or I'll ask someone to help; that’s strength.” Andrew Codd.
Andrew tells us of an amazing gift he received early in his career and how his mission is to share it with others. One of the motivators to starting the podcast #SITN Show, that now has an audience in 160 countries, is that he didn't have all the answers but he knew people who probably did and says how easy it is to ask for help on behalf of other people. Andrew’s love of asking questions comes across as he keeps me on my toes when it comes to discussing work-life balance, but he concludes that there's ‘no such thing as a lack of resource just a lack of resourcefulness and you only spot that when you're out of balance’. If you are looking for a mentor know what you're looking for to some degree and think of up to 3 things someone can help you with. And if someone asks you to be a mentor to them remember that mentoring really helps you as well as the other person.
Andrew Codd is an Accountant, author and commercial finance entrepreneur. He is the host of #SITN podcast. Each week he speaks with leaders in finance and business, and deconstructs with them their real stories, insights & hard won lessons, not found in any textbooks, into practical advice on the key strengths and qualities needed as well as steps listeners can take to elevate the impact they make and to have a fun, successful & rewarding career in accounting & finance.
Connect with Andrew:LinkedIn @ Andrew Codd + #SITN Show
Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
How to have a good day - Caroline Webb
Peter Drucker / Harvard Business Review
#Strength in the Numbers Show (#SITN Show)

Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
#7 Connecting & Communicating - Clay Moffatt
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
“Every human needs to have some form of connection, a deep connection with someone, whether that's your family, whether that's friends, we all need that kind of connection”. Clay Moffat.
Clay tells us about being a delinquent in school and his early career. And then an incident cost him a promotion and got him kicked out of his division. He began to reflect on what he contributed to that situation, and others, and there was only one common denominator. He went on to explore different methodologies on how to communicate with people but hypnosis taught him how to connect with people. We talk about connecting with people, and how asking for help makes you human and is the fastest way to get growth when you connect with the right person.
Clay Moffat is a performance hacker, a mental conditioning specialist, a mind freak, professional tearjerker and full time joker. He has a proven track record when it comes to removing anxiety, imposter syndrome, and self-sabotage, resulting in clients becoming centred, clear and confident. Clay works with Founder's, Millionaires, Pro Athletes, Nurse’s and anyone that’s a fit for his criteria and methods.
Connect with Clay:
LinkedIn: Clay Moffat + + Instagram: @clay.moffat
Matthew McConaughey future self strategy

Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
#6 Learning How to Manage - Helen Joy
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
“Give your people, the opportunity to do what they're best at, do it to the best of their abilities and the responsibility to get on and direct. And the trust to make that happen. They will bring you so much back.” Helen Joy.
Helen tells us about how in her first management role she was awful as she was afraid of being seen to be weak so she changed into this person she thought she should and for six years she was deeply unhappy in that role because it clashed with her values. When she was given the freedom, autonomy and responsibility she knew that was her chance to do it right and be the person that she was inside. One of her bug bears is promoting people for their technical ability with absolutely no concern, focus or support given around the people side because it is setting people up for failure. She reveals the #1 topic she gets asked about when delivering training to aspiring new managers. And we talk about how the workplace is changing and how understanding yourself can make you a great leader.
Helen Joy’s passion is Leadership and Management Development, particularly aspiring and new managers. She led and developed teams within operational and support environments to achieve results through coaching and formal training.
Connect with Helen:LinkedIn @ Helen Joy +
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni
The Chimp Paradox: The Mind Management Programme for Confidence, Success and Happiness by Prof Steve Peters
The Book of Leadership: How to Get Yourself, Your Team and Your Organisation Further Than You Ever Thought Possible by Anthony Gell

Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
#5 You’re Always a Prototype of Yourself (ii) - Gary Cox
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
“But what I think we've got to remember is. You’re never the finished model of anything, you know, you, you're always the sort of prototype of yourself.” “Well, people used to say that you're only good as your last job, but that sounds so negative like that. You know, you're always a prototype of yourself”. Gary Cox.
In Part II Gary and I continue our discussion on feedback and talk about managing stress and excitement. We talk about continuous learning and how the world is your oyster with a finance qualification. Gary explains his approach to work-life balance and tells us what he is up to now.
Connect with Gary:LinkedIn @ Gary Cox
His Website

Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
#4 You’re Always a Prototype of Yourself (i) - Gary Cox
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
“I've just finished a book actually”. "I called it a Ginger Haired Underdog’s Comical Journey to the Top, although I don't know where they actually got to the top, but I've got quite near the top. I wanted summit that reflected my personality, but also had a serious message.” Gary Cox.
Gary went from being a fork-lift driver in a company to a member of the finance team. Building from his CIMA qualification he went on to work in IT, Marketing and as a Director of Business Insights. He talks about his career ladder and the importance of being able to simplify the technical side of finance and of being self-aware.
Connect with Gary:LinkedIn @ Gary Cox
His website

Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
#3 Proud to be an Accountant - Michelle Heer
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
“It's always been people and numbers if I'm honest because it's very isolating to just sit and do numbers.” “Otherwise what's the point? No, one's gonna look at them if they're not for people to review and understand and take action on them.” Michelle Heer.
Michelle tells us why she is proud to be an Accountant and about the view through the window to a business. She describes her transition from FD to MD and how making impactful decisions is quite liberating. She provides 3 pieces of advice to an FD supporting an MD in a crisis situation and shares insights on isolation, collaboration and the perspective of others. We also discuss the power of mentoring to bring up the next generation of accountants. Michelle Heer is a Certified Accountant and founder of Klarity Finance - offering tailored accountancy support to help SME's grow. Prior to that she worked as General Manager and Finance Director for a Swiss engineering company. She was made redundant at the end of March 2020, after almost 10 years, due to a company restructure, nothing to do with covid!
Connect with Michelle:LinkedIn @ Michelle Heer

Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
#2 Taking Things Head On - David Greenaway
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
“We all have the power to change everything. Even if circumstances are forced upon us, you still have the power to change and move forward and get where you want to go.” David Greenaway.
David Greenaway dispels the salesperson stereotype and explains the importance of the finance and sales team having a good marriage. He reveals the most daunting aspects of running his own business as well as how terrifying the failure of his business was ("I could barely breathe") and how he bounced back. We also discuss boundaries, the importance of open and honest conversations, no matter how uncomfortable, and making and communicating decisions.
David Greenaway is a Sales Coach an Investor who has been building companies for over 20 years with lots of success and lots of failures along the way. If you're a leader he has got your back. If you're successful and you're ready for the next level of success, he has got your back. I Sometimes he is a coach, sometimes an expert and sometimes a trusted advisor but beneath all of that... he has got your back.
Connect with Dave:LinkedIn @ David Greenaway
Through his website

Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
#1 Stepping Into the Unknown - Sue Rosen
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
“We think it's just going to happen or that we have to accept what is already there rather than crafting and creating what it is we want.” Sue Rosen.
Sue Rosen shares her motivation to becoming an accountant and how different strands of interest from childhood influence what she does today. She explains the importance of knowing what you want, not only having a head full of "the shoulds" but being open to taking a step into the unknown. We talk about the traits, strength and flexibility required to be a leader today and some practices to cultivate joy and fulfilment. Sue Rosen is an Executive Coach with a background as a Chartered Accountant with over 25 years in corporate and financial services managing finance functions and is passionate about helping finance professionals to find freedom and fulfilment in their lives.
Connect with Sue:LinkedIn: Sue Rosen

Life Beyond the Numbers
Are you curious about having a more fulfilling work-life? Do you believe in putting people first and in purpose; not just profit at any cost?
If so, this podcast is for you.
We place a lens on the human side of work-life. We look at life beyond the numbers and at the uniqueness of people. All guests believe in putting people first and inspiring you to let your uniqueness shine through in your work-life.
80% of people report feeling disengaged at work. Are you included in this 80% or are you part of the 20% who is engaged in the workplace?
Host Susan Ní Chríodáin founded Beyond the Numbers to work with teams and individuals in organisations who know that putting people first generates the greatest return. Her experience and business acumen stem from a wide variety of commercial and non-profit roles. For over 20 years she led and managed multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams in Europe, Africa, Asia, in-person and remotely.