Life Beyond The Numbers
Are you curious about having a more fulfilling work-life? Do you believe in putting people first and in purpose; not profit at any cost? If so, this podcast is for you. We place a lens on the human side of work-life.
Saturday Jul 01, 2023
#134 I Feel Like Me Again - Jo Hunter
Saturday Jul 01, 2023
Saturday Jul 01, 2023
"I thought, oh, now I feel relaxed. Now I feel like me again. And so it wasn't about removing imperfection, it was like just busting out of my being, so full of love and of happiness that I was like, oh yeah, why would I box myself in with that again?" Jo Hunter
Jo Hunter shares her personal journey with perfectionism and how it affected her life. Jo eventually broke free from the constraints of perfectionism and rediscovered her creativity. Jo also discussed the need to nurture creativity in all individuals. She believes creativity is essential, and it should be cultivated from an early age. Creativity allows us to transcend ideas, rules, and patterns to create new ones. We also talked about creating work environments and cultures that foster creativity. Trust and safety play a crucial role in these environments, and they can be cultivated through creative activities. Jo emphasised the importance of embracing uncertainty and delving into difficult issues to find creative solutions. If you are unsure how to explore your creativity Jo suggests engaging in micro-creative moments. It can be as simple as writing for five minutes or noticing patterns in your environment. These small creative practices can lead to significant changes over time.
Jo Hunter is the co-founder and CEO of 64 Million Artists, an organisation dedicated to unlocking the creative potential of every human being in Britain. She started the company back in 2014 and now leads the company day to day. One of her favourite things about being the CEO is having space to think big and strategically, and empower others in the team to dream up ideas, respond creatively to briefs and develop themselves as people. She loves running leadership programmes, seeing the way that being in a different environment can help people find the space to discover more about themselves and challenge themselves to think and act in new and interesting ways.
Connect with Jo
64 Million Artists website
Creative Switch Newsletter
Resources Mentioned
Brené Brown - The Gift of Imperfection
Street Wisdom website
Saturday Jun 24, 2023
#133 At Our Best - Susan
Saturday Jun 24, 2023
Saturday Jun 24, 2023
"It's about who we can be and how can we be the best version of ourselves, and we owe that to ourselves. You are the only one who truly knows how you feel, how you think, and why you act the way you do. And increasing our own self-awareness is the greatest gift we can give to ourselves. Taking an honest look at ourselves, our thinking, our feelings, our behaviour, and asking ourselves when are we at our best?" Susan
In this episode I reflect on the impact of stress in a work-life experience and how it can gradually increase to an unmanageable level. However, many of us might normalise our stress levels and believe we are coping. Are we? I look at some of the factors, such as workplace stress, lack of support and toxic work environments, that contribute to stress and overwhelm. I talk about the importance of taking responsibility for our own part in maintaining our own well-being.
I work with leaders and teams who want to feel more like themselves at work. I focus on inner growth and development for impactful social connection and collaboration. My vision is to create more emotionally aware workplaces where we can all be at our best. I do not have a one-size fits all approach and adapt my style to the uniqueness of the individuals I work with. I also facilitate workplace events and leadership development workshops.
Connect with me:
Through LinkedIn
Through my website
Resources Mentioned:
Javed Bobat - Episodes 12 and 117
Moving the needle on burnout: what does the data say? McKinsey Health Initiative
Saturday Jun 17, 2023
#132 Inner Development Goals (IDGs) - Katharina Moser
Saturday Jun 17, 2023
Saturday Jun 17, 2023
"The whole idea around the IDGs emerged a few years ago with a few institutions in Sweden sitting together looking at the current status of the world and wondering why it is that we are not really progressing further and faster towards the SDGs and why crisis are to the contrary getting bigger and bigger and more complex and everything seems to be just more daunting." Katharina Moser
Katharina Moser and I talk about the importance of inner work for outer change. She introduces the IDGs, a framework that describes the 23 inner science-based skills and qualities that help us to live purposeful, sustainable, and productive lives. The skills fall into five categories: Being, Thinking, Relating, Collaborating and Acting. And she emphasises that inner development is not just an individual pursuit but a collective one. We discussed the potential impact of bringing these frameworks into workplaces and society. Katharina shared some insights on companies that are embracing the IDG framework, such as Google, and how they are incorporating the IDGs into their programs and tools. She also mentioned the upcoming IDG conference in Stockholm, which she is organising, and how it aims to create an experiential space so people can learn about the IDGs and how to use them. Katharina shares her own story of how she became involved with the IDGs and talks about how to deal with your own 'critical guardian' as she calls it.
Katharina Moser is a designer of meaningful connection to foster collaboration on global challenges. She has designed, organized, and moderated around 300 events, focusing on making them more human. In 2022 she joined the Executive Board of the Inner Development Goals, leading the design of the summit 2023. Previously, she worked for the Austrian Foreign Ministry, the British Council, and the European Forum Alpbach, before she founded the creative agency MOSAIK in 2015. (one of her projects was awarded the State Prize on Europe). She is on the board of Bürgerforum Europa; the Austrian Society for European Politics, a founding member of Alliance4Europe, and a member of the BMW Responsible Leaders Network.
Connect with Katharina:
Through her website
Resources Mentioned:
Inner Development Goals (IDGs)
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
IDG Tools website
IDG Summit October 2023
Saturday Jun 10, 2023
#131 Our Expectations - Paul Karvanis
Saturday Jun 10, 2023
Saturday Jun 10, 2023
"How do we start to understand ourselves enough that we can say our expectations might be realistic to the situation we're in, but they mightn't be the optimal expectations that we could have of ourselves." Paul Karvanis
Paul Karvanis and I talk about how to have a good life well lived. A former corporate lawyer, Paul shares his journey from feeling unhappy with his life to pursuing a satisfied and contented one. We delve into the concept of personal potential and how it's already within oneself. Personal growth is not about becoming someone new but rather about flipping the coin and looking at the other side of oneself. We also talked about the importance of self-compassion and realistic expectations. Paul emphasises that choosing less is more important than choosing more, and choosing what matters most is key to success.
Paul Karvanis is a lawyer turned coach committed to living life all-out and without regret. He spent long portions of his life being miserable, and so he has made it his life's mission to be content and to fully live life. He is also doing his best to make a difference broadly and in the lives of others. And he is a Runner, Reader and Proud Nerd.
Connect with Paul:
Through his website Leader Rising
Resources Mentioned:
Episode 121, Courage with Robbie Swale
Giovanni Marsico Archangel
Nick Wignall's weekly newsletter called "The Friendly Mind"
James Clear's Atomic Habits
"The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron
Behold Retreats
Saturday Jun 03, 2023
#130 Do the Right Thing - Dan Foley
Saturday Jun 03, 2023
Saturday Jun 03, 2023
"Doing the right thing probably starts when you go into the organisation rather than when you leave it. Because at that stage, you may not have actually have the chance to do the right thing." Dan Foley
Dan Foley and I discuss the importance of doing the right thing in business and the role of values, leadership, and collaboration in driving positive change. Dan shares his experience of working with a leader who had a who had a significant impact on his leadership style and introduced him to the JEDI concept of leadership. One of the key takeaways from our conversation was the importance of common sense, collaboration and diversity in achieving success in business. And Dan highlighted that the ability to honestly self-reflect and identify areas for improvement is also crucial in building a high-performing team.
Dan Foley is a renowned international award winning senior professional and leader with over 20 years’ experience in various dynamic blue chip organisations, such as Premier Foods, ITV, Mouchel and M&S. He is a well-known figure in the world of financial shared services and a respected speaker at international events on topics that affect financial strategy, governance and management. He has significant business transformation, organisational, operational and change delivery/management experience; excellent operational, commercial, business, process and finance knowledge as well as matured CRM and programme management skillset.
Connect with Dan:
On LinkedIn
Resources Mentioned:
The Frank & Walters
Saturday May 27, 2023
#129 Team Engagement
Saturday May 27, 2023
Saturday May 27, 2023
"Brian was in charge of team engagement. And it was interesting because he said 30 plus years ago, Brian was talking about things like empowerment, self-motivation, involvement, personal responsibility, voice and alignment."
In this episode, I relay the remarkable story of Derek Redmond, a former 400-meter sprinter turned business coach, and his experience preparing for the Olympics in 1992. I talk about the importance of teams and team engagement, expanding your comfort zone, making small changes that can lead to greater results and self-awareness.
I work with individuals, teams and organisations who know that putting people first generates the greatest return. If you would like to feel more like yourself, at work, let's have a confidential conversation about coaching. If you are interested in creating more emotionally aware workplaces let's chat about your requirements. Or if you are looking for a facilitator for team workshops or leadership development workshops I'd love to hear from you.
Connect with me:
On LinkedIn
Resources Mentioned:
Helen Joy of People-Spark
Derek Redmond
Tokyo 1991
Barcelona 1992
Saturday May 20, 2023
#128 Alignment - Ana Bernardes
Saturday May 20, 2023
Saturday May 20, 2023
"For me this concept of embodiment is very related to being in alignment. So an alignment between what I feel, what I think and what I do." Ana Bernardes
Ana Bernardes and I discuss the concept of embodiment and how it relates to being in alignment with our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Anna shares her personal experience of discovering her superpower through an embodiment exercise, where she explored different shapes and movements of her body. We explore ways for listeners to start expanding their own awareness of their body and emotions and how crucial it is to reduce dissociation between our mind and body. Ana emphasises the importance of bringing embodiment work to how we work together and we chat about inner leadership and how it relates to connecting with oneself and others in the workplace.
Ana’s core work is to create spaces where people can grow. She guides learning journeys towards the development of inner leadership using awareness-based tools. By accessing body wisdom through conscious movement, somatic awareness and human connection, each person can promote the connection with oneself, improve the quality of relationships and rediscover creativity. Ana holds a degree in Psychology and is trained in Holistic Dance and Movement Pedagogy, Social Presencing Theater and Embodiment, which she combines with her experience of working in Business Consulting, Corporate Training, Event and Experience Design and Game Design, as well as 20 years of teaching social dances. Her path made her a believer that only by bringing more consciousness into organisations we can create a lasting impact in living a purposeful and balanced life, both individually and collectively.
Connect with Ana:
Through her website
On LinkedIn
Resources Mentioned:
Gabor Mate
Frederic Laloux
Saturday May 13, 2023
#127 The Performance Paradox - Kerry Cullen
Saturday May 13, 2023
Saturday May 13, 2023
"That's the performance paradox at play. It's through dedication. We're trying to do the best that we can, but it's just so easy to let go of what we know restores us and gives us energy in that quest to keep going. And the more we do that, the more disconnected we are from what gives us energy. That's what I mean by the performance paradox." Kerry Cullen
Kerry Cullen explains the concept of "the performance paradox". To break the performance paradox, she suggests bringing awareness to the body and challenging some of our assumptions with compassion. We go on to discuss embodiment coaching which she describes as enlivening awareness about the resources and wisdom in the body that we are born with but may lose connection with during our life. We also touch on the nervous system and Kerry talks about her work with polyvagal theory and how understanding the nervous system can be a game changer in helping us to connect and collaborate better.
Kerry Cullen is a charted business psychologist (BPS) who has been coaching for 20 years. She aspires to create a coaching environment where people can come home to themselves. Her works spans the public and private sector and she works internationally. She loves exploring new edges in coaching, and discovering and training in polyvagal theory felt like coming home to herself.
Connect with Kerry
Through her website
Resources Mentioned
TED Talk: Confessions of a bad exerciser by Christine Carter (TEDx)
Microsoft Research Proves Your Brain Needs Breaks
Polyvagal Theory by Stephen Porges
Deb Dana Polyvagal Guided Living
Nancy Kline, Time to Think
Saturday May 06, 2023
#126 Slowing Down - Professor Giana M. Eckhardt
Saturday May 06, 2023
Saturday May 06, 2023
"Engaging in activities like walking as compared to faster forms of transportation or doing yoga or things that really slow down the body are important but it's active things that slow down the body. In other words, not just laying on the sofa, which we all like to do at the end of a hard day of work, but it's active slowing down." Giana Eckhardt
Giana Eckhardt and I chat about some of her research into the concept of deceleration or people's desire to slow down. Giana explains that deceleration involves three elements: embodied deceleration, technological deceleration, and episodic deceleration. We share some experiences of walking the Camino de Santiago. We chat about the benefits of deceleration and the positive impact it can have on our lives. The conversation then shifts to how businesses are responding to these needs. We also touches on ethical consumer behaviour, such as the slow fashion and slow travel movements, and the surprising benefits of inconvenience in bringing meaning and joy to people's lives.
Giana M. Eckhardt is Professor of Marketing and Vice Dean, Executive Education and Engagement, at King’s Business School, King’s College London, and a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences. Giana is a leading expert in the field of consumer behavior, consumer culture, consumer ethics, branding and the sharing economy, publishing regularly in journals such as Harvard Business Review, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, and Journal of Consumer Research. She is co-author of The Myth of the Ethical Consumer (Cambridge University Press) and co-editor of Handbook of the Sharing Economy (Edward Elgar). She is past co-chair of the Consumer Culture Theory conference, and current co-chair of the Association for Consumer Research conference. Giana is Associate Editor of Journal of Consumer Research, and is on the editorial review board of Journal of Marketing. Her research has won awards and has been featured in outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, The Atlantic, Fortune, Vogue, Scientific American, The BBC, and on National Public Radio. She teaches brand management to MBA and executive MBA students.
Connect with Giana
On LinkedIn
Resources Mentioned
Craigberoch Business Decelerator
The Myth of the Ethical Consumer by DeVinney Timothy, Giana M. Eckhardt, and Pat Auger
Saturday Apr 29, 2023
#125 Insights - Dr. Susanne Evans, David Lee and Me
Saturday Apr 29, 2023
Saturday Apr 29, 2023
"Let's say somebody listening to that, is like, wow, I do that too. And that helps them develop their insights. So listening to people's stories is another wonderful way of developing insights." David Lee
In this episode Dr Susanne Evans, David Lee and I discuss the importance of finding work that aligns with one's values and interests. We share personal experiences of how our childhood interests and mentors influenced our career paths. We chat about the importance of being self-aware and recognising when something isn't bringing joy or fulfilment to your work-life. We share some resources that have helped us in own journeys of self-discovery and finding our niche in the world. We encourage listeners not to stress about finding the perfect job and to be open to exploring different paths that unfold.
Dr Susanne Evans is an organisation change consultant, trainer, coach and researcher on a mission to change the way that transformations are managed in organisations. She founded Feldspar Consulting in 2007 to help her clients lead change in a more human, effective way. As well as writing and speaking about organisation change, Susanne hosts open storytelling workshops, supporting organisations and individuals in writing a compelling story for themselves, and she is the host of the popular ChangeStories podcast.
David Lee is a coach, consultant, workshop facilitator, keynote speaker, and author, who loves creating a win/win/win relationship between people and the organizations they work for. He helps leaders and leadership teams learn how to become "people whisperers", and by doing so, increase their ability to make their organization THE choice for "A List Talent" and inspire the best in their people.
Connect with Susanne
On LinkedIn
Through her website: Feldspar Consulting
Listen to Change Stories podcast
Connect with David
On LinkedIn
Through his website Human Nature at Work
Resources Mentioned:
Video version
Episode 122 What Matters Most
Episode 113 Psychological Safety
Your You-est You Podcast with Julie Reisler
Myers-Briggs personality test and Clifton Strengths assessment
The Power of Story by Jim Loehr
The Great Work of Your Life by Stephen Cope
Callings by Greg Lavoy
Reflected Best Self Exercise
Evolving Leaders podcast
Life Beyond the Numbers
Are you curious about having a more fulfilling work-life? Do you believe in putting people first and in purpose; not just profit at any cost?
If so, this podcast is for you.
We place a lens on the human side of work-life. We look at life beyond the numbers and at the uniqueness of people. All guests believe in putting people first and inspiring you to let your uniqueness shine through in your work-life.
80% of people report feeling disengaged at work. Are you included in this 80% or are you part of the 20% who is engaged in the workplace?
Host Susan Ní Chríodáin founded Beyond the Numbers to work with teams and individuals in organisations who know that putting people first generates the greatest return. Her experience and business acumen stem from a wide variety of commercial and non-profit roles. For over 20 years she led and managed multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams in Europe, Africa, Asia, in-person and remotely.